Install AppSync for iOS 6

install-appsync-step-8Launch Cydia on your iDevice.

Within Cydia, you can see at the bottom of the screen 5 items. Tap on the item ‘Manage’ tab.

In this section, you see 3 sources to choose from: Packages, Sources and Storage. Choose ‘Sources’. First tap on the button (top right corner) ‘Edit’ and then tap on the button (top left corner) ‘Add

In the section ‘Enter Cydia/APT URL’, you just type in the following URL: Then tap the ‘Add Source’ button.

In the next screen you will see that the package is downloading and updating the database. Once this is finished, tap the big black button ‘Return to Cydia’

Select the listed AppSync 6 and, in the next screen, tap on the button ‘Install’

  1. AppSync will now be installed. Once done, type the big black button ‘Return to Cydia’, to go back to Cydia.

Congrats! You have installed AppSync for iOS 6.1 and you are ready now to sync your cracked iOS Apps from your iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch with iTunes. The normal way, without any hustle. Thanks to the guys from AppSync for iOS 6.