BlackBerry London resurfaces in leak, sports matte black exterior, nonexistent OS

BlackBerry London resurfaces in leak, sports matte black exterior, nonexistent OS

That salacious onyx number up there? Per CrackBerry,


it’s a rendering of RIM’s upcoming BlackBerry codenamed London. Found lurking in a leaked Waterloo slidedeck, the svelte render now sports a more curvaceous and onyx exterior — a departure from the angular metallic P’9981-esque dummy-unit first spied back in November. Those tweaks validate another rumor, which foretold the redo, as-well as the killing of its Milan and Colt siblings. Looks like RIM might be putting all of its eggs into this redesigned London-basket, which per this leaked roadmap could be yours come Q3. All or nothing, Thorsten Heins? We like your gusto — bring on the black unicorn.